SV Lilinoe Pictures

SV Lilinoe Ship's Log and Travels

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In addition to considering currents and wind, I had two significant meteorological challenges to work into the schedule:  beating any typhoons heading up to/through Japan and getting to Hawai'i before the hurricane season kicks off there.

For general planning, I relied on the World Cruising Routes book.  My interpretation for timing was to leave Japan around July 1st (as early as June 1st is OK, but expect a rougher, colder ride) and arrive in Hawai'i prior to August 15th.

With that in mind, I opted to leave as early as June 1st, as long as I had a five-day head start on any typhoons developing south of Japan.  The following graphics show typhoon tracks for various months around Japan.

figa-12.gif (70226 bytes) These three graphics depict typhoon tracks and percentages during the early summer months.  As you can see, getting out and away from Japan is key...as long as you have a good head start on any developing storms.

Click on them for a larger view...

figa-13.gif (61445 bytes)
figa-14.gif (60134 bytes)

Another factor in getting away from Japan is the Kushiro Current...it runs basically a northerly course up the eastern coast of Japan then turns east..  My goal was to get in the middle of it and use it for a speed boost...

sopq.gif (84361 bytes) These two graphics best depict the Kushiro Current route...I used these to plot LatLong fixes for my departure from Japan

Again, click on them for a larger view.

wpcofa.gif (170016 bytes)


wndpac01.gif (41220 bytes) For pre-trip enroute planning (winds and current), I used a series of maps like this one...obviously they change every day, but gives a good trend of what is happening.

Finally, getting into Hawai'i.  Just like Japan, there is a lot of material about storm tracks and freuencies...following are some of what I used.

fig7.gif (50667 bytes)  
fig10.gif (69854 bytes)  
fig11.gif (26144 bytes)  
fig13.gif (79977 bytes)