SV Lilinoe Pictures

SV Lilinoe Ship's Log and Travels

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Finally, after having Lilinoe for over six months, we were able to get a week of work done over Thanksgiving week...click on picture for larger view...

BTW, folks have asked me about the fees in Japanese Marinas.  At this one, I was charged about $100 for lift out, $100 for lift in and $100 per day (this included cradle rental and yard space).  There is not charge for lifting/shifting boats to get at pad spots.

DSC00101.jpg (46885 bytes) up and out!  Haulout was done at Velasis City Marina.  One of the most modern facilities in Tokyo Bay.
DSC00108.jpg (51985 bytes) Ohhh boy...lotta bottom work waiting.  This is part of yachting pleasure people don't tell you about!
DSC00109.jpg (52988 bytes) First mate getting the racing stripe on...
DSC00113.jpg (49021 bytes) Lilinoe after cleaning, sanding, patching and two coats of bottom paint...one more to go.
DSC00116.jpg (35045 bytes) Just about finished...
DSC00119.jpg (51059 bytes) Finished for this round...heading back to the lift.
DSC00197.jpg (40484 bytes) Back to our marina afternoon, Thanksgiving day.
DSC00199.jpg (55631 bytes) Two happy, tired boat owners!